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Services grid 3

Site inspection Bauwerksprüfung nach DIN 1076 und Organisation der Mangelbeseitigung PROJECT: Site inspection of engineering structures, tower constructions, antenna systems and building equipment. 2 1 P1000087 P1060990 P1000088 1 / 5 PROJECT PARTNERS: Deutsche Funkturm GmbH und andere Funkanlagenberteiber (builder) Private clients and industrial companies (builder) STRABAG Property and Facility Services GmbH (GU) ISS World...
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Construction and statics Site inspection and recording, implementation planning of new mobile stations, application for deviation, exemption, exeption in residential areas, construction drawing with statics, inventory documentation. PROJECT: 1731681_M Neuperlach_MY4983 1 3 4 2 1 / 4 PROJECT PARTNERS: Deutsche Annington (land owner) Deutsche Funkturm GmbH und Deutsche Telekom RN GmbH (site builder) ms-CNS Communication...
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Services grid 4

Site inspection Bauwerksprüfung nach DIN 1076 und Organisation der Mangelbeseitigung PROJECT: Site inspection of engineering structures, tower constructions, antenna systems and building equipment. 2 1 P1000087 P1060990 P1000088 1 / 5 PROJECT PARTNERS: Deutsche Funkturm GmbH und andere Funkanlagenberteiber (builder) Private clients and industrial companies (builder) STRABAG Property and Facility Services GmbH (GU) ISS World...
Construction and statics Site inspection and recording, implementation planning of new mobile stations, application for deviation, exemption, exeption in residential areas, construction drawing with statics, inventory documentation. PROJECT: 1731681_M Neuperlach_MY4983 1 3 4 2 1 / 4 PROJECT PARTNERS: Deutsche Annington (land owner) Deutsche Funkturm GmbH und Deutsche Telekom RN GmbH (site builder) ms-CNS Communication...
New site mobile tower, Herrenberg Feasibility analysis, photomontage, building application, as well as realization planning for a 40 meters high spun concrete mast, in the Vodafone A1 joint project with Telefonica and the Deutsche Telekom / Deutsche Funkturm GmbH, in cooperation with MPN GmbH, Kellner Telecom GmbH and DB Kommunikationstechnik GmbH. The NATIV EPS GmbH...
Project management - Telefonica Konsolidierung Customer-specific project management between GU and AG, independent site inspections in consultation with Telefonica, ZTE and our partner GUs, implementation planning of mobile stations on new standards of Telefonica and according to BNetzA requirements, construction drawing with statics, remote search, documentation. PROJEKT: LTE Expansion and consolidation of Telefonica and E-Plus...
LTE Rollout Germany Site inspection and inventory, implementation and planning of mobile stations, Request for derogation, exemption, exception in residential areas, application for construction, design drawing and structural design, remote site search, inventory planning and documentation. PROJECT: LTE Rollout Germany LTE Rollout Germany 1 LTE Rollout Germany 2 LTE-Rollout-Germany-3 1 / 3 PROJECT PARTNERS: Deutsche...
DB tunnel maintenance and construction inspection Building inspections and planning of modernization of the mobile infrastructure, as well as moving antenna carriers with antennas and adapting infrastructure in night shift operations. PROJECT: ICE route north-south Lower Saxony to Hesse and Baden-Württemberg Tunnel P1130167 P1010032 4 1 / 4 PROJECT PARTNERS: DB Kommunikationstechnik GmbH (site owners)...

Services grid 5


Site inspection

Site inspection Bauwerksprüfung nach DIN 1076 und Organisation der Mangelbeseitigung PROJECT: Site inspection of engineering structures, tower constructions, antenna systems and building equipment. 2 1 P1000087 P1060990 P1000088 1 / 5 PROJECT PARTNERS: Deutsche Funkturm GmbH und andere Funkanlagenberteiber (builder) Private clients and industrial companies (builder) STRABAG Property and Facility Services GmbH (GU) ISS World...

Construction and statics

Construction and statics Site inspection and recording, implementation planning of new mobile stations, application for deviation, exemption, exeption in residential areas, construction drawing with statics, inventory documentation. PROJECT: 1731681_M Neuperlach_MY4983 1 3 4 2 1 / 4 PROJECT PARTNERS: Deutsche Annington (land owner) Deutsche Funkturm GmbH und Deutsche Telekom RN GmbH (site builder) ms-CNS Communication...

New site mobile tower, Herrenberg

New site mobile tower, Herrenberg Feasibility analysis, photomontage, building application, as well as realization planning for a 40 meters high spun concrete mast, in the Vodafone A1 joint project with Telefonica and the Deutsche Telekom / Deutsche Funkturm GmbH, in cooperation with MPN GmbH, Kellner Telecom GmbH and DB Kommunikationstechnik GmbH. The NATIV EPS GmbH...